About Buta Full Life- the company
When I started this venture six years ago, it was important to me to build a business that would support me in all areas of my life in a professional manner. I have a rich professional and academic background and I’m educated over a wide range of topics including science, math, psychology, literature, music, foreign language, business, management, religion, health and wellness –kind of a “Renaissance woman”. The truth is, I just love to learn and I’m fascinated by the world around me. I also wanted to do something meaningful without the headaches and limitations of a 9-5 because I am also a Mom. I was determined to make my life beautiful!
So, here’s what I’m doing. I market a wide range of products for good health and gentle living on this earth directly to people who, like me, are smart about their health and the products they use, passionate about environment, and committed to doing what they need to do to get the results they want to live healthy, dynamic lives. Right now, I am particularly focused on actions we can take to reduce our personal impact on the environment. I'm absolutely passionate about what's in us, on us, or around us becomes part of us. Making small changes made big differences in my life- and that's why I do what I do.
Before I was using these products, I was constantly sick. I was overweight, infertile, exhausted. and, of course, completely stressed out. Now, seven years later, I enjoy great health, have a beautiful daughter and the energy to run a business, work out each morning, cook fresh every day, and serve in my community. With this business I have a toolbox at my fingertips so I can not only create the good health and financial security I want for my family, I can also help others to do the same thing I have grown so much in this process ~ I am now the happiest working person I know! It truly is a Buta Full Life!
Anyway, if you know anyone, like me, who is looking for a professional way to generate an additional income stream, or passionate environmentalists looking for easy realistic solutions for their family ‘s better health and environment, or even would like to know more yourself, just give me a call at 617-504-4971. We'll talk for about 10 minutes to see if we're a good fit.
Have a fabulous day!
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