Buta Full Life

Welcome to a place for those who are smart, passionate, and committed about living healthy, dynamic lives. We're smart about diet, nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle. We're passionate about our environment and our impact upon it. And, we're committed to doing what we need to do to get the results we want to live our beautiful lives.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Popcorn Lung

Just a reminder!
There are two June 200 Household Initiative dates!
Click on the post at the right hand side of the screen to know more about what this is!

Please join us June 11, 2007 12 pm. or June 20, 2007 6 pm.
Email me at bfli@buta.org for more information.

I received a request about this topic in May, so I thought a health related message would provide a change of pace. Thanks for the idea Harry. :-)

Popcorn Lung
is a nickname for a variety of lung diseases, most seriously, bronchiolitis obliterans, contracted by industrial workers at food flavoring factories.

In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) received reports of a worker who had severe scarring in their lungs and bronchial tubes rendering him incapaciated. This worker had handled pure forms of the flavoring diacetyl, a volatile chemical component of butter flavoring used in microwave popcorn, hence the name, “Popcorn Lung.”

Other lung conditions reported by workers are asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchiolitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and severe lung impairment. Yuck!

Wow, am I at risk?
Now, many of us love the smell of popping corn. Is that true for you?
And, many of us find it convenient to pop a bag of microwave popcorn. Do you ever do that?
But are you at risk for developing these severe diseases from
smelling microwaved popcorn?

The CDC reported this past April, Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007 Apr 27;56(16):389-93., “Food flavorings are designated "generally recognized as safe" when approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; flavorings are not known to put consumers at risk for lung disease.”

And, other scientific publications seem to agree.

So, we’re off the hook, right?

Well, I can’t promise you’re safe either.

Just like dryer sheets (you can read my April 20, 2006 article about dryer sheets, Ants in Your Pants? on the right side of this page), we don’t know the long-termed implications of breathing in the these heated, volatile chemicals on a consistent basis. And, if you, or someone you know, is particularly prone to allergies or asthma, they might want reconsider using this type of processed food.

It’s always the same: What’s in us, on us, and around us becomes part of us.

So what do you think?
Do you think you might avoid microwave popcorn? Do you avoid other stuff? What have you heard? Leave a comment! It's much more fun when there are other opinions out there!

Meanwhile, I found a couple of good popcorn ideas for you from Belly Bytes- a nutrition website. It's a riot to look through!

Belly Bites claims that these are “healthy popcorn recipes” but many of the recipes start with microwave popcorn that’s loaded with fat, and volatile chemicals, then add sugar, corn syrup, and even butter! WHAT”S HEALTHY ABOUT THAT?

Here’s an example of how a recipe can be modified to actually become healthy.

Hauntingly good Popcorn, modified by BFLI

In large bowl, toss together 3 cups air-popped popcorn, dried applies, dried cranberries, raisins and walnuts. Coat with a little canola oil spray to moisten and mix again.

In small bowl combine 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp pumpkin spice and 1/4 tsp cinnamon. Add to popcorn mixture and toss until popcorn is coated.

You may also want to try:

Pizza Flavored Popcorn or Dilly Lemon Munch

Have fun!
And safe popping!


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