How 'Small Stuff' Pollution Becomes 'Big Stuff' Pollution
As you may know, I started a grassroots effort in April 2007 called the
200 Household Initiative. The objective is to decrease multiple forms of pollution caused by everyday chemicals typically used in homes and offices. This effort impacts greenhouse gases, landfill waster, petroleum dependency, wastewater treatment, drinking water quality, and more.
Here's the principle: If each one of us starts at home taking small steps, then, as word spreads, each neighborhood, community, town, city, and beyond adds to the effort, creating massive change.
For example, when people wash their hands, they probably don’t think about the small amount of antimicrobial chemical that goes down the drain. It’s small stuff. Until that is, 200 other households in each neighborhood also wash their hands with the same stuff. Then it becomes bigger stuff. A city of small stuff is, well, big stuff.
That innocent antibacterial chemical, when added to hundreds, then thousands, then millions more, becomes a problem- and it doesn’t break down and go away. That chemical is an endocrine disrupter. That’s why the EPA is concerned about the leading source of non-point source water quality degregation- our homes.
So, do you see how that the small action of washing our hands can become big stuff?
How about an easy, no sweat solution?
See that Get Clean Now link on the right of this screen? You can find safe, concentrated hand wash there. No antibacterial, endocrine disrupting goop there.
You can even get rid of a bunch of big stuff problems with one fell swoop by ordering a kit so that you don’t ever have to think “Is this stuff safe for us and for our environment?” So if what I have is as good or better then what you are currently using, would there be any reason not to switch?
And, I’m also right here to answer questions for you about what you currently use. Because we know not every chemical is harmful. Right?
Please give me a call (617-504-4971) or email me ( Perhaps you might also consider hosting a 200 Household Initiative gathering to create awareness in your own neighborhood. Truly, what have you got to lose, except pollution?
And that's a good thing- right?
Together, we can slash multiple forms of pollution.
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