It's Summer, I'm hot! What’s best to grab? Bottled or Tap?

When I’m thirsty and have a choice – I say neither.
Below you’ll find great info about US water standards for tap and bottled water, expert opinions about which is better, the environmental impact of bottled water, trash talk, cost comparisons of water options and an explanation of the photo you're looking at.
Before browsing the topics headings that catch your eye, let me cut to the chase for those who appreciate fast information when they are looking for a solution.
I filter my water - right at the tap for about $0.17 a gallon.
I use a Microkinetics Treatment System (MTS) and I never have to worry about what’s in my water. My water tastes absolutely great- actually better then bottled! (alas... no fizzies for festive occasions.)
If I’m out and about, I just put that same freshly filtered water into my stainless steel water bottle. No organic chemicals leaching, totally reusable, and both me and the environment get a break! Here's where to get great filtration systems! See below for our welcome to summer sale in June, 2009!
Below you'll find lots of information about water quality along with links to other articles. Let me know what catches your eye!
US Water Standards for Tap and Bottled Water
The US standards for bottled water are the same standards for tap water. In fact, roughly 40 percent of bottled water begins as tap water and often the only difference is added minerals that have no marked health benefit.
Expert Opinions: Which is Better- Tap or Bottled?
“Yale University School of Medicine’s Dr Stephen Edberg, recommended by the International Bottled Water Association to “20/20” for their report entitled “Bottled Water: Better Than the Tap?” agreed that bottled water is no better for you. “No, I wouldn’t argue it’s safer or not safer.”
(How cool is this? I was the chemist at a start up company for Dr. Edberg’s invention of Colilert™ - a coliform bacteria testing product that is now used throughout the country. He would come by to discuss results and future research.)
Even bottled water industry officials don't claim bottled water is better for you than tap water. "We think drinking water, whether it's bottled or tap water, is a good thing. I will not state that bottled water is healthier," says Joe Doss, president of the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), which represents bottled water makers. Instead the association stresses that there are some "taste differences" and "convenience issues." "It just boils down to what consumers prefer," says Doss.
Environmental Impact
Bottled water is an oil monster! For every six and a half gallons of water, we need to use 1 gallon of oil. Read on!
Environmental Letters (Jan – Mar 2009) reported a study done by Peter Gleick , president of the Pacific Institute, a nonpartisan research institute, and his colleague Heather Cooley. “An estimated total of the equivalent of 32 million to 54 million barrels (1.34 to 2.27 billion US gallons) of oil was required to generate the energy to produce the amount of bottled water consumed (33 billion liters) in the United States in 2007 writes Andrea Thompson, Senior Writer for, in her article The Energy Footprint of Bottled Water.
Trash Talk
Even though plastic bottles can be recycling, they basically aren’t being recycled.
Emily Arnold and Janet Larsen reported in their 2006 article, Pouring Resources Down the Drain, “According to the Container Recycling Institute, 86 percent of plastic water bottles used (33 billions liters in 2007) in the United States become garbage or litter.”
Cost Comparisons
Arnold and Larsen continue: "Although in the industrial world bottled water is often no healthier than tap water, it can cost up to 10,000 times more. At as much as $2.50 per liter ($10 per gallon), bottled water costs more than gasoline."
Bottled water is really expensive. At the grocery store end, it’s $0.79 per pint. And, I’m sure you are like me; I’ve had to fork out as much as $2.00 for bottled water or else drink cheaper, but sugary sodas, juices, or artificially sweetened beverages.
Tap water is free. Because I choose to filter out the organics and any particles picked up along the pipeline, I pay about $0.17 a gallon for really good quality water.
Does Filtration Work?
As you see at the very top, a picture of a used filter says a thousand words. Yes, it really works.
BFLI recommends overcounter and undercounter MTS filtration models. Our recommended BestWater MTS filters are rated* for 1000 gallons of water (compare to pitcher products that usually rate 40 gallons before replacement). Plus, pitcher units do not have the same quality of filtration. After the initial purchase, a gallon of truly purified water is only about 17 cents a gallon.
Thanks so much for reading!
Now, what are you going to drink today?
Of course I'm right here to answer any questions!
Rated NSF/ANSI standards 42 (particulates qnd aesthetic qualities) and 53 (Volatile organics and cytosporin and other health qualities).
Summer water sale!
Purchase a new MTS system as a member in June (That's how to save an extra 15% right away!), use it for a month of great tasting water, and we'll rebate your membership fee as a thank you to you and your health!
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