Real Impact: The 200 Household Initiative
Environmental concerns have grown to the current mandates of action.
For eight years I have built a business that supported my concerns of
proactive environmentalism and proactive disease reduction.
I have combined my rich professional and academic background with my love of learning, and a strong sense of stewardship for the world around me into a business that allows me to be able to do something about pollution now!
200 Households: the stats
50,000 pounds of greenhouse gases
21,500 pounds of packaging waste
increased cancer death rate associated with commercial household products
increased asthma and allergies
I’m looking for people who are consciously aware, enthusiastic, take-action kind of people
who will work with me to change these statistics.
Do you know anyone like that?
The 200 Household Initiative.
commencing April 14, 2007
What I do alone can, together, significantly decrease non-source point pollution.
- Smart lifestyle and products,
- passion for the environment
- and commitment to get the job done.
Here are a variety of ways to help!
- Invite me to speak at your favorite community center, school, organization, or at your home about the 200 Household Initiative. Awareness is a strong beginning.
- Connect me with cleaning services, au pair organizations, and stay at home parents who are at higher risk for cancer deaths just because they are exposed to typical cleaning products.
- Ask me about fundraising opportunities for schools and organizations.
- Commit to being one of my 200 households. Keep watching for lifestyle changes but you can start by changing your household and personal care products. Click here for my product website for a starter kit or, call or email me.
- Connect me with those you know who are environmentally conscious, enthusiastic, take-action kind of people who will work with me to change these statistics.
Susan Buta
Buta Full Life
-an international marketing group