De-gunking: cleansing your body of toxins.
When I last wrote, I introduced Paula F. Baillie–Hamilton, the author of “The Body Restoration Plan” and "Toxic Overload" She’s the gal who studies the effect of chemical calories and their role of bodies of holding on to stubborn pounds.
So, where to begin? How does one start the process of getting the gunk out of our cells so good stuff like nutrients can go in and feed each and every cell?
When I work with people who are committed to a preventative program for their health, I often suggest starting with a natural herbal cleanse. Sure, you can juice, fast, do colonics, and all sorts of other cleanses, but the reality, there’s a greater chance for more people to do the thing if it’s easy, right? I feel so much better after cleansing that I do one at least once per year. It’s just part of my toolbox of stuff that allows my body to be healthier, thinner, and stronger then a decade ago.
The suggestions I offer are those from Gemma Gorham, MPH, Nutrition Specialist with Initiative for a Healthy Weight, RI Dept of Public Health. Ms. Gorham was the nutrition instructor during my Wellness Educator certification training. I will list the steps briefly then add more explanation for each step at the end of the blog.
These are, in summary, the nutrients in Ms. Gorham's cleansing program. Scroll down for detailed descriptions about each nutrient.
- Drink pure, filtered water – gobs of it during cleansing.
- Eat as close to nature as you can by eating fresh foods when you cleanse. Preservative laden foods would thwart the very goal a cleanse tries to achieve, right?
- Use mature alfalfa to work in the bloodstream at the cellular level.
- Use a mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber and gentle colon cleaning herbs to clean out your intestines – a great reservoir of waste gunk, wouldn’t you say?
- Use a milk thistle product to support your liver to naturally regenerate liver cells
- Once the gut is cleaner, re-introduce good guy bacteria, called probiotics.
Experience has shown that many toxins release in just about 3-5 days. In 30-days, with smart, consistent supplementation our clients report feeling much better. In 60 days most people who are on a consistent, regular supplementation program feel so much better, they wonder why they waited so long to try our programs. It’s that remarkable! Plus our manufacturer guarantees their products so you can’t lose – oh, except maybe some atrazine…
Let’s say you want to cleanse now, click here now to get started. Otherwise, I’ll be right here when you are ready to get the gunk out. But hey, please do it before the gunk does irreparable damage. Perhaps you agree that it’s harder to repair then to prevent.
So, more details of the cleanse process:
All cleanses start with lots of fresh, pure water. If you are going to drag gunk out of cells, they better be flushed out of the body ASAP. Does that make sense? Flushing with water containing oxidative chemicals - think chlorine - or chemical pollution such as toluene, chlorobenzene or hexachlorobutadiene* that all could be in tap or bottled water sounds counterproductive, yes?
*my "diene" - get it? buta diene? ;-) My chemistry students thought this was really funny...
Bottled water purity is very difficult to gauge. Some of it’s really good and some of it is no better then what’s minimally acceptable to federal water standards. So, how do you know? You don’t! Or, maybe with some research…
If you want good filtered water, filter your tap water as you use it. No plastics leeching, no re-contamination, just fresh, filtered water. The best filtration system uses reverse osmosis technology – an expensive option. With our local waters in fairly good shape, I recommend an on-site filtered water system that meets filtration NSF/ANSI standards 42 and 53 as a good choice. On-tap water filters and most pitchers are not quite good enough, as most only meet the easier “42” standard. Click here for the filtration system I use because I only need to change the filter once a year for all my family's drinking and cooking water.
Eat for life while you cleanse.
Twinkies and chips aren’t going to cut it. Neither will power bars. Why put in what we’re trying to take out? Stick to whole foods that a farmer would recognize. Check labels for high protein and fiber contents. Avoid process foods and those loaded with preservatives. Wash all fruit and veggies with soap. I use a couple drops my household cleaner (link) as a fruit and veggie wash because it rinses completely.
Use whole leaf alfalfa to cleanse the cells.
Mature alfalfa leaves (verses sprouts) has many essential trace minerals, digestive enzymes, and chlorophyll to cleanse at the cellular level. We carry a convenient tablet form. I take a bunch of them everyday during heavy tree pollen season because alfalfa calms my allergies down. I can breathe easily without medications. Many people take alfalfa every day to decrease her inflammation from arthritis. Others like alfalfa because it is such a nutrient rich food. Talk about a substance with lots of side benefits!
Clean your gut.
Our bodies eliminate waste in two ways, commonly known to kids as #1 and #2. So, you will drink LOTS of pure water for the water soluble stuff and your colon must take care of the rest. Get that stuff out by increasing your fiber. Ms. Gorham suggests doing it with high fiber, whole grains and veggies, fiber tablets, and a gentle natural herbal blend that helps in moving the gunk through the plumbing so it can get out.
Probiotics are gaining in popularity, hence even Hollywood starts like Jamie Lee Curtis talks about their benefits to millions of TV viewers. Isn’t that special?
What you really need to know is that one little pill can do what a month’s worth of eating yogurt can do. Get the good-guy bacteria into the intestines where they belong to help heal those tiny little leaks in the gut suspected to be a major source of allergies and autoimmune problems. Then feed them so they want to stay for life.
Want more information? Click right here to contact me.
Thanks for reading!
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