BFLI To Do List: #1 Change the world.
I'm serious!
Serious enough to have a solid plan that's easy enough and economical to implement.
And, each day my partners and I are getting closer and closer to the “tipping point.”
Will you give me just one hour of your time this month to decide if I’m crazy or if I’m a visionary? I’m confident that it’s worth your while.
Could it really be easy to get rid of massive amounts of greenhouse gases, and protect our daughters from endocrine disruptors, and eliminate tons of trash? Does it really depend on what how I clean my toilet or scour my sink?
Yes! And, I've done my homework to make it easy for others to say, “Yes! I’m in!”
In a nutshell that’s why I developed the 200 Household Initiative Presentation.
Did you know three Boston City Councilors have supported this Initiative and recommend you see it too? Thanks (in chronological order) to Councilors Connolly, Flaherty, and Yancy!
Here’s what we do during a presentation:
- We begin with an outline of why each one of us needs to know about common chemicals used in homes and small to mid-sized offices and how urgent it is to pay attention.
- We go through some powerful influences that guide our choices.
- We review criteria so there’s an objective measure for consumers to base their buying decisions. Then, they can make knowledgeable choices for their homes and offices.
- We look at the numbers and evidence of the positive impact of those changes.
- I offer my services for in-home evaluations and consultation specials for those who attend the seminar.
- After the presentation I offer an opportunity for people to know how to make those changes fast. I also set up an optional “lab” opportunity to “play” with the products I use in my own home.
You can take my word for it and get the environment safer right away with cleaners that meet the criteria for truly green cleaners. See the I’ve done my job to find and offer my clients products that meet the criteria. Click here.
See the presentation one of two ways:
1. Stay in your slippers and join us for an Internet Webcast. More info:
2. If you like being in the same room with people (I love it - people are fascinating!) here are some upcoming presentations.
- Oct 14 at the Charles River Watershed Association, 12:30 p.m. Brown Bag Lunch.
- Newton, November 1, 3-5 p.m. More info:
- Harwich, MA around November 21.- date and time TBD.
And, if you want me to come to your home...I present for groups of 6-8 in private homes. Give me a call 617-504-4971 or email me -
Here's to your feeling good about getting the grime off your shower!